When the winter weather sets in, it’s time to start thinking about winterizing our homes. The dog houses we provide for our pets are no different. We prefer heated doghouses as a warm haven for dogs that are outdoors with their owners or to enjoy time in the fresh air during the day, rather than an overnight solution for family pets that should be kept indoors. In this article, 12 ways tokeep dogs warm in winter are listed.
Ways To Heat A Doghouse
Raise The Dog House Off The Ground
Your dog will gain from raising the dog house in a number of ways: firstly it minimises moisture and condensation from the floor of the house; it allows air circulation below the house and finally during rainy days and nights a raised dog house helps minimise the amount of mud and water getting into the house.
Another raised dog house option is available. Alternatively you can use concrete slabs under the house to keep it elevated off the ground. Clear the area where the house will be placed first. Then, cut the grass to create a smooth, flat base area. Next, stack your concrete slabs. Finally, reposition the dog house on top of the slabs.
Create Warming Stations Inside
Make sure your dog has a few warm places to rest in the house. A blanket or dog bed also works perfectly well. Avoid using heated mats that can burn your dog’s skin and easily tip-over space heaters.

Trap Heat
Your dog should have a comfortable den to call home, one that is warmed by his body heat. If your dog is small compared to his large home, create a small area for him to call his den so he can more easily heat the house naturally.
A large opening in your dog’s home, such as a doorway or a window, means that none of the heat his body produces is trapped there. To keep the weather and wet outside and to trap heat inside the doghouse, install a heavy-duty vinyl flap door.
Add Insulation
amazon.comIf your pup’s outdoor doghouse is drafty, he will appreciate you taking the time to insulate it. You can line the floor, walls, and ceiling with rolls of fiberglass insulation or traditional home insulation materials like pet-safe caulk, foam board, and aluminum foil bubble insulation.
Install plywood or another solid surface over the insulation to prevent your dog from ingesting or chewing it, for his safety.
A removable, washable, foam insulation insert that slips inside the doghouse and fastens with Velcro is available in outdoor doghouse kits, which is an alternative.
Choose Warm Bedding
Giving your dog a cozy place to rest is affordable. If you line the inside of his doghouse with cedar or pine shavings, the wood will retain your dog’s body heat and provide a cozy haven. These wood chips are effective natural insect repellents that can help keep fleas and other bugs away.
Watch out, though, for sneezing or other indications that your dog might be allergic to the scent. Furthermore, puppies or dogs that are pregnant should not be given wood shavings.
Give Them Shelter
Make sure your dog has the proper shelter if they spend a lot of time outside in the winter. The shelter should also be anchored to the ground and have a roof that slopes down to provide a comfortable sleeping area.
Weatherproof And Waterproof The Exterior
You may want to think about additional exterior modifications to your dog house to lessen the effects of the colder weather and rain on your dog. We have already discussed insulating the outside of your dog house with foam to help keep the heat inside.
To stop rain, hail, sleet, and snow from falling into your dog’s home, you could, if it’s possible, move the dog house under a roof or other shelter. As an alternative, you could cover the dog house with a waterproof sheet and insulate it with foam to further protect it from the elements and maintain the temperature inside.
Do ensure there are gaps so that your dog is able to leave and return to the house easily.
Place The Dog House Away From Direct Wind
As previously mentioned, the location of your dog house can lessen the effects of the weather and water on your dog’s house. Consider moving them closer to the house, beside a garage or shed or even in the corner of your garden so that two sides of the dog house are protected by fences.
Each of these will help keep your dog house out of direct wind; which in turn will help to keep the dog house warmer in the winter.
Add A Furnace
Why not give your cherished dog a furnace like the one you use to heat your home? Heaters made specifically for doghouses have safety features to guard against burns and have chew-proof cord covers to keep your dog secure.
These small heaters can be mounted on the wall or ceiling, have different temperature settings, and heat the doghouse to a predetermined temperature.
Get Rid Of Any Draughts
You must minimize any draughts to help maintain a warmer temperature throughout the night in order to make sure your dog is secure and warm enough in their outdoor home. Begin by laying draught excluders around the base of the dog house to prevent the heat escaping though any gaps here.
Then take a sheet of plastic, or a specific pvc kennel draught screen, and attach this to the inside of the entrance to your dog’s house. Again, if you use a staple gun to attach this, make sure that no staples are visible that your dog could ingest.
Keep Dogs Fed And Hydrated
Ensure that all dogs have access to fresh, non-frozen water at all times. For dogs kept outside, heated bowls are also available.
In order to maintain their metabolism during the winter, dogs that live outdoors may be fed more, but before making dietary changes for your dog, consult your veterinarian.
Bathe Your Dog Inside
Wintertime is the ideal time to bathe your dog indoors. A dog will quickly become cold after being wet. Let your dog dry completely after bathing him before letting him go back outside.
In general, a dog house becomes the logical next step if your family can’t have your dog live in your home. Don’t forget to use the advice we’ve provided to make sure your pet is adequately heated.
Although it can be pricey, knowing that your dog is warm and shielded from the elements makes it unquestionably a worthwhile investment.