Basically, a bug out bag is a kit that has everything you’ll need to survive for at least 72 hours on your own. Since it takes humans less than 72 hours to expire without water, the number 72 is derived from this fact.
Definition of a Bug Out Bag
A bug out bag is a portable short-term survival kit that is typically kept in a backpack. Its purpose is to give you the necessities of life in case you need to quickly leave your house or place of employment in the event of an emergency, such as a major natural disaster.
Bug out bags are also known as “Go Bags,” “Go Kits,” “Grab Bags,” “72-Hour Bags,” and “Bail Out Bags.”..but it all means the same thing: a portable emergency disaster survival kit.
It is crucial to have them ready in advance and kept in easily accessible places because a bug out bag is meant to be quickly deployed at a moment’s notice.
They are made to be small and lightweight enough to be carried on one’s person in a backpack; using a suitcase as a rolling bug out bag is also a fantastic option. They are typically not intended to be used for long-term survival, but rather for short-term periods.
Why Should You Have a Bug Out Bag?
A bug out bag is typically a survival kit designed to get you through a bug out the situation and help keep you alive for at least 72 hours. When disaster strikes, you’re supposed to have the advantage thanks to the tools in the bag.
When seconds matter in those crucial situations, a good bug out bag will help. You can quickly evacuate if you have your go-bag prepared. Just grab your backpack. You can then give your journey to safety your full time, attention, and energy.
Prepare Your Bug Out Bag in Advance
In case of an emergency, bug out bags (BOBs) are prepared in advance of any situation that might call for their use and are easily accessible. It is essential to have a bug out bag that can be quickly and easily accessed in an emergency because we never know where we’ll be when a disaster strikes. One is kept by some seasoned preppers at home, in their car, and at their place of employment.
A “done for you” bug out bag is certainly better than nothing, and there are companies that provide such a product complete with all the components they deem necessary. Those of you with more ambition might want to construct your own bug out bag. However, it has been found that deciding what is required and then putting together a bug out bag is a very difficult task.
The Most Common Bug Out Bag Mistakes
Selecting the Wrong Bug Out Bag
Most people concur that the ideal scenario is one in which one spends less money while still getting the most out of things. Nevertheless, it is definitely worthwhile to invest a reasonable sum of money and TIME in safety.
Carelessly selecting your bug out bag will probably result in your selection of a bag that is inappropriate for your unique requirements. It’s possible that your bag is too heavy, doesn’t have enough room for essentials, or just doesn’t look right.
You will have a lower chance of surviving if you purchase an inadequate bug-out bag. We suggest reading this article to learn which bug out bag is best for your requirements. By comparing the design, construction material, and price of each bag after reading an appropriate review, you’ll have a better idea of which one will best suit your needs.
Bug Out Bag Weight
You should have your own personal bug-out bag. It shouldn’t be overly heavy. A good guideline is that the bag shouldn’t weigh more than 25% of your body weight.
The following advice will assist you in avoiding the error of creating a bug out bag that is too heavy for you to carry.
Stick to the Essentials
In a bug out scenario, the essential items are often summarized as The 5 C’s of the Survivability Rule:
- Cutting (knife)
- Combustion (fire)
- Cordage (paracord)
- Container (water/filter)
- Cover (shelter)
Extreme Weather Clothing
If you live in an area where dangerously severe weather is a possibility, be ready to brave the elements. Make sure you have the right gear and a weather-specific shelter packed.
Purchasing a Bag That Does Not Blend in Or That Stands Out
It should not be your intention to appear to be well-prepared or well-stocked when you are bugging out. It is preferable to blend in with the crowd by carrying what people would typically carry, at least on the surface. If you buy a bag in a bold color, you might draw unneeded attention.
Naturally, your preferences will determine how your backpack is designed. You might prefer that your bag appear tactical or camouflaged. You might want to purchase a backpack with numerous pouches if you enjoy keeping your belongings organized.
You can accommodate some of your preferences, but it’s more crucial that your bag blends in with its surroundings. Some bag designs may be considered hip in some places but ridiculous in others.
Packing Unnecessary Equipment and Items
You must make sure that everything you do will advance your survival when your life is on the line. This entails getting rid of unnecessary gear and becoming more agile.
The 5Cs—Cutting, Combustion, Cordage, Container, and Cover—is a general packing rule that should be adhered to when putting together a bug-out bag.
Cutting (Knife)
A boot knife should be kept somewhere safe. Since it is necessary for both self-defense and tactical purposes, a knife is significant. There are tactical justifications for constructing a survival fire or even digging a hole.
Multi-tools that combine a saw, scissors and knife can be packed if you are short on space.
Combustion (Fire)
Bring lighters and portable stoves, as that is something we strongly advise. The ability to cook food and boil water makes portable stoves consumable. For lighters, you can use Ferro rods or gas lighters to encourage combustion.
Cordage (Paracord)
Because they are the most useful, we advise purchasing 550 paracords. You can make a paracord hammock or even a tent out of one, among many other uses for paracord.
Container (Water/Filter)
A container for food or clean drinking water must be carried at all times. A portable water filter is a useful tool in addition to immediate access to food and water.
Cover (Shelter)
A shelter is an essential piece of gear. You must be able to defend yourself from severe weather. Additionally, appropriate attire is required. Make sure to include an outer, mid, and inner layer of clothing in your planning.
In general, your bag shouldn’t add up to more than one-third of your total weight. Due to the propensity for overpacking, this rule is crucial. Another justification for planning the contents of your bug-out bag and omitting superfluous items is this.
Your back will suffer if you carry an excessively heavy backpack. It would make you uncomfortable to imagine walking a few kilometers while carrying a bag that weighs 40 pounds.
Don’t forget to carefully consider what you need to pack in your bag. You should always ask yourself if you really need that thing to help you survive.

Packing Too Little Food Or Water
Packing too little food or water is a fatal mistake, especially if there are few food and water resources nearby.
Every prepper is expected to bring at least one gallon of water per day for an adult. One gallon per day is a necessity unless you are certain that there will be a water supply along the route to your bug out location.
Collapsible water bottles can be used as additional storage, as well as other suggestions. Keep in mind to incorporate a suitable water purification system so you can filter water as necessary.
A medium-sized adult who engages in moderate amounts of activity needs a minimum intake of 3500 calories per day. You should be able to maintain your body’s functioning with the help of the food you choose. Because they typically contain more calories, we advise buying energy bars or backpack meals.
Lack of Hands-On Training
As they say, practice makes perfect. It is indisputable that many skills are necessary to successfully bug out, including the ability to construct a survival fire, a suitable survival shelter, and even the ability to filter water.
It would be pointless to attempt it if your bag contained tools that you did not know how to use. Your bug-out bag must contain items that are ESSENTIAL to your survival. Only when you know how to use them properly can the item prove to be significant.
To avoid feeling like a chore, we advise making the on-hand training enjoyable. You could, for instance, arrange for your family to go camping once a week in the woods. Your children will pick up the skills much more quickly if they enjoy themselves.
Remember that the purpose of these practice sessions is to familiarize you with the equipment in your bug-out bag. Your chances of survival will significantly increase if you know how to make the best use of the resources you have.
No Proper First Aid Kit Or Medical Supplies
There’s a good chance that your ability to maintain proper hygiene and health will be affected if you lack access to water and electricity. Additionally, you frequently come into contact with bacteria and viruses because you are exposing your body to the outside muck.
We strongly advise that you take precautions against illnesses related to poor hygiene, such as vomiting or diarrhea. I also advise bringing something in case of mobility problems.
You must have all the first aid and medication on hand in order to solve this issue.
Tourniquets, roller bandages, and antibiotic wound ointment are a few essential first-aid supplies to take into consideration. When there is an injury, using antiseptic wipes will be crucial to remove bacteria.
Ibuprofen, aspirin, Immodium, throat lozenges, Bismuth Tabs, and cranberry extract are a few over-the-counter medications you might want to think about.
Conclusion: Short-term Survival Kit
Knowing which tool to use in which circumstance, how to use each tool, and exactly how each tool can help you get from point A to your bug out location are all examples of exercising sufficient thought.
Any prepper can construct a bug out bag, but what sets the men apart from the boys is the level of thought and effort put into it. You should be deliberate and not compulsive when packing your bag.