The crappie is America’s second most popular freshwater sport fish and their spawning season is one of the year’s fine durations to target them. But when do crappies spawn, exactly? Depending on their range, crappies spawn between late February and mid-June. They will acquire in massive numbers in shallow water areas up to 6 feet when temperatures are between 50 and 60°F. The proper spawning takes vicinity when water temperatures are around 65°F.
What Time of Year Do Crappie Spawn
As crappie( Pomoxis) are set up each over the US and southern Canada, their spawning season stretches from late February to mid-June.
Naturally, the northern populations will spawn much latterly than the southern ones, as spring and warmer water temperatures arrive latterly in the time than down in the south.
Large schools of crappie will gather in shallower areas of their habitat when the water reaches a temperature of around 50 to 60F.
This temperature range acts as a trigger for the fish and signals them to get ready for parentage.
It is, still, not before the water temperature is in the 65F range that the factual act of begetting, which generally lasts one to three weeks, will commence.
Where Do Crappie Spawn
Crappie will spawn in the shallower areas of the water they inhabit, no matter if the niche in question is a deep lake or force or a fairly shallow pond or levee.
They do so because similar areas drastically increase the chance of a successful spawn and, hence, the coming generation’s survival.
For one thing, temperatures in shallow water are advanced and more stable during both day and night.
Warmer, stable water temperatures are essential for the crappie spawn and nearly always equal plenitude of cover in the form of foliage and structures similar as:
- lily pads
- weeds
- reeds
- standing timber
- roots
- brush piles
- docks
- Cattails
That cover, in turn, means protection from larger predators, which can be trouble to both the begetting crappie and their shindig.
Also, shallow areas near the reinforcement or in bays offer better protection from winds and wave turbulences, which can drop the survival rate of the crappie’s eggs and incubated larvae.

What Depth Do Crappie Spawn At
Crappie generally spawns in water depths of between 1 and 6 bases, depending on the temperature and clarity of the water.
Clearer water can be entered more fluently by the sun, reaching an advanced temperature indeed further down in the water column.
In discrepancy, stained water can not be entered to the same extent by the sun’s shafts and is kindly colder at lesser depths.
Hence, crappie that inhabits clear water bodies will generally spawn in a water depth of about 3 to 6 bases, while crappie living in muddy water conditions can spawn in water as shallow as 1 to 2 bases.
What Type Of Bottom Do Crappie Prefer For Spawning
Crappie can spawn over any association backside that isn’t gentle silty, as their eggs ought to otherwise threaten sinking into the tender matter.
Preferable bottom types can include the following:
- gravel
- sand
- grass
- rock piles
- firm mud
How Do Crappie Spawn
During the pre-spawn period, the manly fish will construct nests by sweeping out small depressions on the bottom.
To negotiate that, they use both their bodies and tail fins to produce a coliseum- shaped hole in the ground.
These small nests will generally be made close to cover to ensure that the eggs and shindig will survive the first pivotal days of their actuality.
Once the nests are erected, and the water temperature is right, the crappie spawn is about to begin.
First, the ladies will swim over the nests and lay their eggs in them. The males follow them, release their milt onto the eggs, and fertilize them.
When the crappie’s parentage act is over, the males will remain at the scene to guard the eggs until they door, which generally only takes about three days or so. During that time, the manly fish will defend the nests and eggs at all costs and can come largely aggressive.
On average, completely grown black crappie ladies can produce up to 40,000 eggs. Mature white crappie ladies, on the other hand, can produce a normal of about 30,000 eggs.
The difference in the number of eggs can be explained by the varying body shapes of the two crappie species, as black crappie tend to have a further compact and rounded body shape than white crappie, which generally have a kindly more stretched body.
In other words, the stomach of the black crappie is simply a little more ample than that of the white crappie.
Can You Catch Crappie During The Spawn
Ask any crappie angler out there, and they will tell you that fishing for crappie during the spawn is presumably the most productive time of time!
As you can read further over in the composition, you know that they’re holding up in shallow water near heavy cover, and in great figures at that.
Also, they’re unexpectedly empty this time of time, which frequently makes fishing for them during the spawn an easy challenge.
So really, the only thing you’ve got to do is detect them in those shallow water areas near the oceanfront!
Still, jigging and casting for them with classic micro wiles and small soft plastics will most probably do the trick in no time at all!
Where Do Crappies Go After They Have Spawned
Once the crappie is finished spawning, the girls will hastily go away from the shallows and head again out into deeper water to regain their energy and feed, while the adult males continue to be at the back to guard the eggs.
Once they have scattered, anglers will have a more difficult time finding them, which is why fishing during the spawn is so popular, as it’s simply so much less difficult to spot and seize them!